My Goal My Ambition

Describe what you want for your future, you can tell detail all your passions, talents, strengths and any activities you do. Do not forget how you pursue it, what efforts you have done to achieve your ambition. You can also state what achievements you have got that make you proud. I have it posted on your own blog. Good luck.

    Talks about my future and goal, actually i'm not really sure what i wanna be. But, that doesn't mean i don't have a plans for a bright future, okay? I just haven't realized what i wanna do. Nevermind, let's see what plans i have made.

    For now, i choose future plan based on something i like and feel enjoy. First, besides i like singing and music things, at school i preferred chemistry subject than the othersbut i did ever get bad grades for that, not all of course. I just like chemical thing, like experimenting with several chemicals liquid or calculating a chemical reaction from an equation, etc. And then, i thought it was my first strength and with that my parents told me, i should to expand it further.

    So, because of that i made a plan. I decide my passion in chemistry like calculating or doing lab work rather than memorizing something. After that my parents told me about the job prospect in chemistry and i found something interesting for me that is a chemical engineer, is it cool right? and one of the jobs is oil and gas. It something related to oil industryfyi you can work in Total, Pertamina, Chevron, Exxon Mobil, etcand my parents work in industry so maybe one day i can take part and help them.

    What efforts you have done to achieve your ambition? Well, i tried my best. When there's an exam i study work hard to get best grades and when there's some lab work i will do it with totality. So, lastly to achieve my goals and my ambition, i will study work hard with my strength to deal the struggle and the point is i'll do my best.

by. Cayla Khanza


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